Tuesday, July 31, 2012


This is what it looks like to have a mobile child... We love it though!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Way before Adelaide came along there was Lily.  It's no secret and everyone knows that we love her like a family member, not a pet.  I remember us making a big deal to Lily (she obviously had no idea) about someone else joining our family.  We were hoping and assuming she would get along just fine with her because she seemed to love all the kids she had been around before.  So naturally, when Adelaide arrived, everyone wanted to know what Lily thought of her.  When we brought Adelaide home from the hospital we very excited for Lily to meet her "little sister".  We held her down for Lily to sniff, which she did, and that was it.  She really didn't seem to be fazed by our new addition.  When Adelaide would cry or make sounds she would sometimes look her way but didn't seem to be bothered by it.  A few times she would come up to her and lick her feet, very sweet. 

This has pretty much continued even though Adelaide is mobile now.  Adelaide LOVES Lily. She smiles at her when I can't get her to smile. Lily just has to walk by and Adelaide will most likely grin. Lily follows us everywhere in the house so she is always around and Adelaide is well aware of that. With Adelaide's new mobility, Lily has learned to be a little more patient. Adelaide will cruise over to where Lily is lying on the couch and reach out for her. Most of the time, although not all of the time, Lily will simply get up and move to the other side of the couch or the chair. Lily really does well with her and I can see that they have bonded in their own way.  Here are some pictures of the "sisters" in action.

First meeting




She's not detered from the clanging.

See what I mean?  They are always together.  We love them and the sweet relationship they have!

Monday, July 16, 2012

9 Months

It's that time, time to say that I've known you longer on the outside than on the inside.  Seriously?  Seriously.  There are times when I feel like I'm super new at this whole being a mom thing (maybe I will always feel that way?) and then there are times when I can't remember life before you.  I remember hearing others saying that before you joined us and thought that kinda seemed crazy, and I'll admit that it does, but it has a lot of truth.  What in the world did we do before staring into your precious face?  What did we do before hearing your giggle echo from room to room?  I mean, don't get me wrong, your Daddy and I had some good times in the years before you were born.  But, ultimately, something was missing.  That something was you sweet girl.  And boy am I glad we "found" you.

Now about your 9th month.  You were growing and exploring so much this month.  Funny to look back at things from the beginning of the month that you started doing and we were blown away by.  By the end of the month, it's old hat with you.  I guess that's how you grow, day by day.  I had mentioned before that all you wanted to do was to stand.  Well standing became the old thing and cruising started.  You simply cannot get enough.  You started walking behind your activity walker like you were an instructor.  We bought you an activity table and it didn't take you long to figure out how to push it all around the house.  And with all this walking talk, let's not forget that you are officially crawling.  I will call it June 11th as the day you were crawling.  It's still a belly/army crawl but you are getting where you want to go.  You're funny to watch as you use your right foot, specifically your big toe, to push off. 

June 11th was a big day for you because that was also the day that I remember seeing you wave for the first time.  At first I was second guessing myself that you had just waved, but then it became apparent that you were doing just that.  I wave to Lily each morning when you see her as we tell her good morning and Daddy's waves at the owls on your quilt each night before you go to bed.  You finally picked it up and started doing it yourself.  Its, mostly, that cute little backwards wave that babies do and we love seeing you do it.  As time has gone on, we can sometimes get you to do it on command when we are telling someone goodbye.

You love to stick your finger into holes on toys and other objects.  Many times it's the holes where the screws are.  You really seem to be developing your fine motor skills quite well.  This actually started earlier, but I have forgotten to mention it.

Your naps are a little more predictable at 2 naps a day for the most part.  You normally go for about 1 hour 20 minutes in the morning about 2 or so hours after you wake up and again in the afternoon around 2-2:30 for close to another hour and half.  You seem to be a happy girl so this nap schedule seems to be working for now.

You had a 9 month well-check doctor's appointment.  It went well and we got your stats again.  You weighed 15 lbs. and 6 oz. which is the 9%ile.  Your height is 26 1/4 in. which is the 8%ile.  Your head circumference is 16 1/4 which is the 3%ile.  You are still a little peanut, obviously.  You are wearing 6 month clothes and I've still been able to use a few smaller ones.  I love summer clothes, they are super cute and fun!  You're into size 3 diapers even though we may could have used size 2 for a while longer.

Your eating is pretty good, but has room for improvement if you ask me.  You aren't the biggest fan of food in general.  I mean, you eventually eat what you need to grow and stay on track with your growth curve, but you sure don't get super excited about it.  We are still working through this and trying to get you to try more things.  Hopefully you will get more into it in the near future.

Let's do a fly-over with this month's pictures.
We went camping in Pisgah National Forest for Memorial Day.  You were just getting over your sickness and were pretty clingy to us while we were there.  Here you are hanging with Daddy around the campfire.

Lily and you are going to be too much to handle before too long.

Silly face

Swinging on a Saturday afternoon.  We love it when Daddy is home with us!

Beautiful, happy girl

On June 15th, Aunt Danielle and Uncle Ben got married!!  This is moments before the ceremony began.  You were lucky and got to sit on the bride's lap.

Being silly with the cousins, minus Ryan.

Family picture after the ceremony.

Daddy/Daughter look-a-like contest... just kidding

You met your Great-Grandma Popp!  She enjoyed squeezing on you and we were so glad she finally got to meet you.

We came home from Asheville on Father's Day.  So after the drive home we hung out a little and then had dinner at a new place called The Flying Burrito, Daddy's choice.  You gave him a flag/flagpole, some candy, a framed picture of you, and some artwork that you had finger painted.  I must say that you have the best Daddy a girl could ask for.  He is there for anything you (or I) need and he is so gentle with you.  He treats you like a little lady and will be the example you need later in life when looking for a husband.  You light up when he walks through the door from work and it makes my heart so full.  I can't wait to see you grow and come to love him more and more, just as I do.

That's right, you're a traveling girl all of a sudden.  From the mountains to the coast.  We had one night at home before heading out again, east this time.  Daddy had to go back to work but we enjoyed the ocean with Granny, Uncle Matt, and Haydyn.  We spent June 18-21st down there and loved our time by the water, but missed Daddy for sure.

First few steps in the water.  You really seemed to like it.

Sweet cousins

Playing in the sand wondering what in the world it was.

This is your "not sure of what to think of that sticky, gritty stuff" look.  Makes me laugh!

You weren't the biggest fan of being placed in the hole they dug out for you.

After a long Sunday with only 40, yes 40, minutes of napping we decided to head to the pool.  It was your first time in and you seemed to like it as well.  Thank goodness you're a water baby!

Pooped after a little while.

Beside Miss Sock Monkey!

We love you, Adelaide.

Friday, July 13, 2012


We can't handle the cuteness!