Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mule Days

On the 4th(?) weekend of each September Benson NC closes as the mules roll into town. Its Mule Days and has been a part of my life since who knows when. Brandon has had his fair share of Mule Days events as well in the years since we've been together. Its the place to go for all the horses, mules, John Deere stuff you could ever imagine. People come in from all over the country to this little town and celebrate, mules? Yeah, I'm not sure what they are celebrating actually. We hope to get in on the festivities by going to the parade on Saturday morning, full of horses, firetrucks/ambulances, clowns, high school bands, Americal Legion Commissioners, and more horses. It's pretty fun, atleast I think so... and I think Brandon likes it for the most part too! Any questions about it just ask. Maybe we'll see you there?


Jenn & David said...

One day we'll go day.

But first on our agenda is the Hollerin Contest in Spivey's Corner! :)

Anonymous said...

people come from all over the country??? seriously??? come on now:)

Amanda Dengler said...

mary beth, are you from benson??