Thursday, November 29, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Update time
Well I have to keep updating even though I'm not doing the specific monthly updates regularly anymore. You are growing and growing. You blow us away by all the things we say and you understand and also by the things that you "say". You are so much fun at this age and stage.
You understand: Adelaide, bath, ball, shoe, sock, car, bow, dog, puppy, baby, clap, splash, put your hands up and down, graham cracker, give me a high five, dance, peek-a-boo put it in your mouth, sit down, kick it, throw it, time for your nap, milk, good job, no, dance, kiss, fish, cup, give it to me, hey, cheerios, push the button, book, squirrel, cat, Daddy, Lily, and Mommy. I'm sure there are others but those are the ones that quickly came to my mind.
You "say": ball, baby, puppy, cracker, no, fish, all done, peek-a-boo, hey, bye bye, book, bow, squirrel, more, Daddy, Lily, Mama. Again, I'm sure there are others. You've been able to sign more and all done for a while now.
Your eating has just recently, in the past few days, gotten better. We went to the doctor at 13 months and you had not gained a single ounce since your 12 month appointment despite eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day. Because of this the doctor referred to to a feeding specialist. We are scheduled to go there mid-Dec. so there's still time for you to get better and eat more normally before then. These past few days have been such a relief and I can definitely see a difference, but let's hope it sticks. We started to give you Miralax in water each evening and that seems to help things move along so I think you are overall feeling better too. Hopefully there will be continued good news.
Breaking news! You have teeth... plural! I first noticed your bottom right front tooth on Oct. 5. It was barely breaking through but I could feel it. You had a high fever after your afternoon nap and a bit later I noticed the tooth. It was a bit too high for teething so it was just a coincidence. Within a month you had the top right front and bottom left front ones too! Now the top left front one is almost through. I've heard that when they finally start coming they seem to come quickly. You have been a trooper while getting these teeth. I've only noticed a couple of times where they seem to bother you and so far it hasn't affected your sleeping (knock on wood). It needs to be said again, thank you for being such a good sleeper.
Speaking of sleeping, you normally are down around 8 and wake up around 7. The time change last week threw you off and I wasn't the least bit surprised. You have slowly worked youself back to sleeping later and not getting up at 6:05 like you did that first day, whew. For naps, well you aren't totally sure what you want to do. I think we are somewhat in the stage of 1 nap isn't enough and 2 is sometimes too much. Some times you take a longer morning nap (still 2.5 hours after you wake up) and then you aren't sleepy for the afternoon nap or it would be so late that I just hold you off for an early bedtime. That makes planning days hard to do but we are working with it. The time change actually helped this and you seem to be better with 2 naps. Your second nap normally comes about 3.5 hours after you wake up from your first one. That gives us some good outing time or just time to hang out and play. When you wake up from that second nap we play, take a walk, make dinner, and wait for Daddy to come home.
Your sweet personality is becoming more and more evident. You seem to be shy around others but more lively around us at home. When you are in a new environment you are so observant and quiet. I like those times though because you hold on to me a little tighter :-) It's fun to see you finally warm up to new things and see the excitement they bring you. You are kind to other kids, many times offering them the toy you are playing with if they walk up to you. If your toy is taken away you often just stand there with a perplexed look on your face but very seldom do you get upset. Who knows if this will change though. I want you to stand up for yourself, but I also like your gentle spirit. You are also quite hilarious. One funny thing you do is whisper when you are talking to us or just talking in general. It's so cute and we all get good laughs. Your antics never fail to make us laugh. I think you know you are being funny because you make yourself laugh as well. Seems like we are in for some fun and laughter in the years to come and I can't wait!
You are a bigger blessing that your Daddy and I could have possibly imagined. We are blessed indeed!
Silly girl... seriously you crack us up!
Speaking of sleeping, you normally are down around 8 and wake up around 7. The time change last week threw you off and I wasn't the least bit surprised. You have slowly worked youself back to sleeping later and not getting up at 6:05 like you did that first day, whew. For naps, well you aren't totally sure what you want to do. I think we are somewhat in the stage of 1 nap isn't enough and 2 is sometimes too much. Some times you take a longer morning nap (still 2.5 hours after you wake up) and then you aren't sleepy for the afternoon nap or it would be so late that I just hold you off for an early bedtime. That makes planning days hard to do but we are working with it. The time change actually helped this and you seem to be better with 2 naps. Your second nap normally comes about 3.5 hours after you wake up from your first one. That gives us some good outing time or just time to hang out and play. When you wake up from that second nap we play, take a walk, make dinner, and wait for Daddy to come home.
Your sweet personality is becoming more and more evident. You seem to be shy around others but more lively around us at home. When you are in a new environment you are so observant and quiet. I like those times though because you hold on to me a little tighter :-) It's fun to see you finally warm up to new things and see the excitement they bring you. You are kind to other kids, many times offering them the toy you are playing with if they walk up to you. If your toy is taken away you often just stand there with a perplexed look on your face but very seldom do you get upset. Who knows if this will change though. I want you to stand up for yourself, but I also like your gentle spirit. You are also quite hilarious. One funny thing you do is whisper when you are talking to us or just talking in general. It's so cute and we all get good laughs. Your antics never fail to make us laugh. I think you know you are being funny because you make yourself laugh as well. Seems like we are in for some fun and laughter in the years to come and I can't wait!
You are a bigger blessing that your Daddy and I could have possibly imagined. We are blessed indeed!
Sorry for this silly picture, but you can see a tooth.
Silly girl... seriously you crack us up!
Your Daddy thinks you look too much like a big girl here. I agree.
Honestly, that face could not be more precious. Gosh, we love you!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
My Marathon Man
Alliteration... haha... takes me back to Mrs. Cannady's 9th grade English class. Wow, starting with a tangent.
Ok, back to the point. Brandon FINISHED the Raleigh City of Oaks Marathon! It has been something that he has trained hard for since March. Through the hot summer (meaning early, early Saturday morning runs before the heat), crazy work weeks, and overall exhaustion he trained... and trained... and trained some more. I could not be more proud of him.
It's something, really, to watch someone work so hard to complete something and then seeing them finally doing that which they set out to accomplish. He was ready, boy was he ready! After those many months of preparing mentally and physically he was up to the task. The race started at 7am from the NC State Belltower (couldn't have been a better place). He left home around 5:45 that morning. A feat alone if you're asking me. Anyway, he started at 7 and ran and ran and ran until he crossed that beloved finish line (again at the belltower) at 11:39. A mere 4 hours and 39 minutes later, only to have travelled 26.2 miles on foot. On foot people!
I met him a couple of times out on the course at miles 14 and 20. At 14 he seemed like it was nothing. At 20 he seemed more tired and he said his legs were hurting. Then I rushed home to grab Adelaide (huge thank you to Amber for coming over during her nap) and get back out to the finish line.
The end was all a buzz with cheering people everywhere and so much excitement. It was really neat because I knew that all those people were there to cheer on their special someone, but yet they were cheering on everyone else's special someone too. We made it out there with a few minutes to spare and then he came running by. Tired of course, but going hard nonetheless. He crossed the finish line with his arms spread out like he was flying... a perfect ending! He was immediately given his medal and a shiny wrap thing to help keep him warm. Then came the hugs, congrats, and kisses. He got to see the "Go Daddy Go" shirt I made for Adelaide. It was emotional for us... more so that I thought it would be. That first family hug will stick with me for a long time to come. Anyway, after stretching and walking a bit he ate some pizza and we headed home. Praise the Lord, he did it!
Love it!
Mile 14
Mile 20 (14 is going the other way)
Water break and meeting up with Travis. He is a marathon runner and met up with Brandon at Mile 20 to bring him home! What an encouraging friend.
He's on the way!
Love it!
So proud of you!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Quack Quack
Meet the cutest duck you ever will see
This Halloween was a little more exciting that last year. Remember this? Just 5 weeks old last Halloween.
My Mama got Adelaide this cute duck costume and we thought it was perfect. We went Trick-or-Treating with Trey, Amber, and Graham around our neighborhood. Us parents enjoyed showing off our little ones and then snacking on the candy later. We figured we would enjoy the candy now because in a couple of years I'm sure that won't be acceptable ;-)
The duck and cow
Look at this cuteness!
Fun with Daddy!
Ok, Ok, I'm almost done with the pictures.
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Our girls
Adelaide was flat out hugging all over her and Lily could have cared less. Love them and how much they love each other.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on that farm we had a party! Old MacDonald's farm was the theme for your 1st birthday party. A couple of months before your birthday I began thinking of what theme to use for your party. The fact that you give us sweet smiles when we sing the Old MacDonald song to you, you love the Old MacDonald hand puppet we have, and you love all animals made it easy. We stuck with the theme and decorated using red and white as well as cow print balloons (and a barn with animals one for you), hay bales, and a rocking horse. We had it September 22 from 12-2, the Saturday before your birthday, at a nearby park. It was a joyous time of celebrating your first year with our family and friends.
About to sing. This was such a sweet moment to me. Hearing everyone sing to you made my heart smile.
Daddy giving you your smash cake.
Surprise, surprise you went for the graham cracker "door" first.
Not excited at all but atleast you touched it.
Daddy decided to pinch off a little for you to taste.
Well maybe we can say you tried it.
Our little cow in the dress that Aunt Kim made for you.
As I was looking for ideas I came across this cake and I just had to make it for you. It was a labor of love for your Daddy and I and we are super happy with how it turned out. The barn was your smash cake and the pig, sheep, and chick cupcakes were cute additions.
The cake and cupcake table.
Ham and turkey sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, mustard, and mayo.
Miss Adelaide's Garden of cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, and carrots with red peppers serving as bowls for the ranch dressing.
Chicken feed, a pumpkin patch, hay bales, fresh eggs, tractor wheels, and muddy fence posts made for some yummy treats.
Don't forget the cow patties and tails.
Water and capri suns with a basketfull of apples.
Family and friends...
who love you so much!
We love you, Adelaide. Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Your Birthday
So what all did you do on your 1st birthday? Your Daddy and I spent much of the day remembering what we were doing at specific times of the day last year. A much less painful day for me I must say! It was so much fun to get to tell you Happy Birthday all throughout the day. And don't worry the song was sung several times as well!
You woke up and in I came with the camera... all flashy and stuff. You didn't seem to mind too much. You obliged to a few pictures and then let me know that it was time for breakfast. We did our morning routine of you nursing/eating breakfast and then you playing while I ate. Good Morning America was on in the background then came Live! with Kelly and Michael... you know, the good stuff. It wasn't too much later that you went down for your morning nap. It wasn't the longest nap (~50 mins) but enough for you to be cheery when we went to meet Granny for lunch at Cracker Barrel. I figured you would want their biscuits... or maybe that was me. Anyway, after a good lunch we headed to Goodwill before coming back home for your nap. You went to sleep fine and took a better nap (~1 hr 20 mins). Yay for good naps! After a little photo session you played a while and then it was time for dinner. You ate dinner (an okay dinnertime) and then we hung out until Daddy came home. Daddy and I ate and offered you bits of what we were eating, but you weren't that interested. No surprise there! Afterwards we went on a family stroll around the neighborhood. We talked again about how crazy it is that you're 1 and then about how it was around that time last year that you were quickly making your way into the world. We got back inside in time for me to be holding you while we were taking a family picture at 7:07 pm, the time you were born. Not necessarily planned but awesome that it worked out that way! You never get to play with the TV remote so I let you play with it for a few minutes and then it was time for bath and bed. I nursed you again and held onto you a little tighter before I put you down because you are growing up before my very eyes. I want to cherish these sweet memories of your babyhood.
A pretty good birthday if you ask me. Nothing too exciting and out of the ordinary but I figure that you had what you needed, a family that is blessed beyond measure and loves you more than anything.
Cute birthday feet!
Birthday breakfast coming right up!
Lunch with Granny... and boy did you give her some good snuggles.
Cute birthday feet!
Holding the TV remote. A birthday present of sorts.
Our blessed family (minus Lily who was sitting below us).
Happy Birthday, once again, sweetheart!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
12 months
OK, it's that time. How in the world am I writing your 12 month post? It's been a year of many things... happiness, frustration, joy, anxiety, love, fear, appreciation, exhaustion, but I couldn't be more glad to experience all these things because of you, Adelaide. I remember saying early on that your first month or so was a whirlwind of emotion. I can say that your first year has been that as well as a whirlwind of time. What happened to my little baby? When I think about how you've changed in just one quick year it blows my mind. Gone are the days of our endless cuddling because you didn't have any other choice. Hello to the days ahead when you actually come to us to cuddle and while doing so, melting our hearts. I sniff you a little more, squeeze you a little tighter, and love you a little deeper with each cuddle because you're my baby girl... and I know it won't last forever. It hit me while making dinner the night before your birthday that when I put you down you will be a "baby" and when I get you out of the crib the next morning you will be a "toddler"... that's crazy talk. Now I know that you don't magically change overnight but it's symbolic in it's own way. There are many things I wish I could tell you right now but my brain can't get them all out and all you would do is smile at me anyway, only leaving me with more things that I'm unable to get out. So, know this, that we love you with all we have and that will never, ever change. You are the answer to so many prayers that your Daddy and I prayed and we see you nothing less than a blessing directly from God.
Alright, I felt like that had to be said so years from now you will know what you mean to us after knowing you for only one year.
On now to what you've been up to in your 12th month. We had a fun month and took the time to soak in the last few weeks of your "babyness".
Your teeth are still hiding as of now. Surely they are coming soon, right?
Eating hasn't changed much, you still aren't fond of food. Bread, Cheerios, and yogurt bites are pretty much the only things you will pick up and eat yourself. We are working on getting you more excited about eating.
You understand a few more words that we say to you. We can tell you to get your baby, dolly, ball, book, among others and you will grab them.
When Daddy comes home you get super excited. Lily and I do too, but you started clapping, smiling big, and squealing. It's super sweet and I think it makes your Daddy's day.
It took you about 2 weeks to fully embrace walking and since then you have been non-stop. You quickly figured out how to get up while sitting instead of crawling over to something to pull yourself up. It was kinda crazy to watch you take off. Even though we knew you were so close for quite some time we were still in a little bit of shock. You were a busy girl this month, literally.
Your birthday party was a blast. I will post on it separately but let's just say that Old MacDonald had quite the farm that day!
Your 12 month appointment to the doctor was the 27th. You got your finger pricked and several shots. Daddy held your hands again while I kissed/rubbed your head and told you that it was going to be okay. You quit crying when I picked you up and that made me feel better. Your stats showed what I was halfway expecting but afraid of. Your eating has affected your growth curve and you're not growing like they want you to. You were 16 lbs. 9 oz. (1%), 27 in. (4%), and head circumference was 16.5 in. (1%). Yikes! To say that I'm worried is an understatement. We will try over the next month to get you eating better by offering 5-6 smaller meals a day which should be fun since you don't like the couple of meals you eat now. We will try juice/whole milk and other calorie rich foods to help as well. In 1 month we will go back and if you're not eating better they will probably send you to a feeding specialist. Please, oh please, love eating soon! Until then we will keep trying and praying hard for you to overcome this. God is good always.
Your teeth are still hiding as of now. Surely they are coming soon, right?
Eating hasn't changed much, you still aren't fond of food. Bread, Cheerios, and yogurt bites are pretty much the only things you will pick up and eat yourself. We are working on getting you more excited about eating.
You understand a few more words that we say to you. We can tell you to get your baby, dolly, ball, book, among others and you will grab them.
When Daddy comes home you get super excited. Lily and I do too, but you started clapping, smiling big, and squealing. It's super sweet and I think it makes your Daddy's day.
It took you about 2 weeks to fully embrace walking and since then you have been non-stop. You quickly figured out how to get up while sitting instead of crawling over to something to pull yourself up. It was kinda crazy to watch you take off. Even though we knew you were so close for quite some time we were still in a little bit of shock. You were a busy girl this month, literally.
Your birthday party was a blast. I will post on it separately but let's just say that Old MacDonald had quite the farm that day!
Your 12 month appointment to the doctor was the 27th. You got your finger pricked and several shots. Daddy held your hands again while I kissed/rubbed your head and told you that it was going to be okay. You quit crying when I picked you up and that made me feel better. Your stats showed what I was halfway expecting but afraid of. Your eating has affected your growth curve and you're not growing like they want you to. You were 16 lbs. 9 oz. (1%), 27 in. (4%), and head circumference was 16.5 in. (1%). Yikes! To say that I'm worried is an understatement. We will try over the next month to get you eating better by offering 5-6 smaller meals a day which should be fun since you don't like the couple of meals you eat now. We will try juice/whole milk and other calorie rich foods to help as well. In 1 month we will go back and if you're not eating better they will probably send you to a feeding specialist. Please, oh please, love eating soon! Until then we will keep trying and praying hard for you to overcome this. God is good always.
Cute pose
My 3 loves... one of which is playing with a paci. Keyword being "playing". You're something else.
Cute smile while playing with Daddy. Nevermind that mean ole bruise above your lip.
You love to pull your books off the shelves... over and over and over.
One cool girl, and probably tired too.
Daddy gets you ready for bed each night. You pick up the vitamin drops bottle and box every single night to play with them. Creature of habit and I love it.
You took a liking to stuffed animals this month. This dog is one of your favorites!
You enjoyed your first storytime at the library. We went to the one for walkers up to 3 years so you were one of the youngest there. I sat in a chair and at first you wouldn't leave from your standing spot between my legs. After a while you ventured out and walked around a little, always looking back at me to be sure I was still there. I think you enjoyed it and I look forward to taking you back.
Playing with the singing dog.
Big sippy cup and serious face. You still prefer your smaller one.
Ransom came over to play. Your stance here cracks me up and makes you look all growny and stuff.
Some sweet Haydyn-loving time after you woke up from a nap.
Cheerios, the breakfast of champions.
Simply adorable.
You're loving the vitamin bottle and I'm loving your crazy post-bath hair!
Good morning birthday girl!
We do occasionally get our picture together.
You're a walking machine.
Your Birthday!!
Enjoying a book... love Sandra Boynton.
And the last monthly installment with Miss Sock Monkey... sniff, sniff.
Happy 12 month old! We love you, Adelaide.
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