Friday, November 16, 2012

Update time

Well I have to keep updating even though I'm not doing the specific monthly updates regularly anymore.  You are growing and growing.  You blow us away by all the things we say and you understand and also by the things that you "say".  You are so much fun at this age and stage.

You understand:  Adelaide, bath, ball, shoe, sock, car, bow, dog, puppy, baby, clap, splash, put your hands up and down, graham cracker, give me a high five, dance, peek-a-boo put it in your mouth, sit down, kick it, throw it, time for your nap, milk, good job, no, dance, kiss, fish, cup, give it to me, hey, cheerios, push the button, book, squirrel, cat, Daddy, Lily, and Mommy.  I'm sure there are others but those are the ones that quickly came to my mind.

You "say":  ball, baby, puppy, cracker, no, fish, all done, peek-a-boo, hey, bye bye, book, bow, squirrel, more, Daddy, Lily, Mama.  Again, I'm sure there are others.  You've been able to sign more and all done for a while now.

Your eating has just recently, in the past few days, gotten better.  We went to the doctor at 13 months and you had not gained a single ounce since your 12 month appointment despite eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day.  Because of this the doctor referred to to a feeding specialist.  We are scheduled to go there mid-Dec. so there's still time for you to get better and eat more normally before then.  These past few days have been such a relief and I can definitely see a difference, but let's hope it sticks.  We started to give you Miralax in water each evening and that seems to help things move along so I think you are overall feeling better too.  Hopefully there will be continued good news.
Breaking news!  You have teeth... plural!  I first noticed your bottom right front tooth on Oct. 5.  It was barely breaking through but I could feel it.  You had a high fever after your afternoon nap and a bit later I noticed the tooth.  It was a bit too high for teething so it was just a coincidence.  Within a month you had the top right front and bottom left front ones too!  Now the top left front one is almost through.  I've heard that when they finally start coming they seem to come quickly.  You have been a trooper while getting these teeth.  I've only noticed a couple of times where they seem to bother you and so far it hasn't affected your sleeping (knock on wood).  It needs to be said again, thank you for being such a good sleeper.

Speaking of sleeping, you normally are down around 8 and wake up around 7.  The time change last week threw you off and I wasn't the least bit surprised.  You have slowly worked youself back to sleeping later and not getting up at 6:05 like you did that first day, whew.  For naps, well you aren't totally sure what you want to do.  I think we are somewhat in the stage of 1 nap isn't enough and 2 is sometimes too much.  Some times you take a longer morning nap (still 2.5 hours after you wake up) and then you aren't sleepy for the afternoon nap or it would be so late that I just hold you off for an early bedtime.  That makes planning days hard to do but we are working with it.  The time change actually helped this and you seem to be better with 2 naps.  Your second nap normally comes about 3.5 hours after you wake up from your first one.  That gives us some good outing time or just time to hang out and play.  When you wake up from that second nap we play, take a walk, make dinner, and wait for Daddy to come home.

Your sweet personality is becoming more and more evident.  You seem to be shy around others but more lively around us at home.  When you are in a new environment you are so observant and quiet.  I like those times though because you hold on to me a little tighter :-)  It's fun to see you finally warm up to new things and see the excitement they bring you.  You are kind to other kids, many times offering them the toy you are playing with if they walk up to you.  If your toy is taken away you often just stand there with a perplexed look on your face but very seldom do you get upset.  Who knows if this will change though.  I want you to stand up for yourself, but I also like your gentle spirit.  You are also quite hilarious.  One funny thing you do is whisper when you are talking to us or just talking in general.  It's so cute and we all get good laughs.  Your antics never fail to make us laugh.  I think you know you are being funny because you make yourself laugh as well.  Seems like we are in for some fun and laughter in the years to come and I can't wait!

You are a bigger blessing that your Daddy and I could have possibly imagined.  We are blessed indeed!

Sorry for this silly picture, but you can see a tooth.

 Silly girl... seriously you crack us up!

Your Daddy thinks you look too much like a big girl here.  I agree.

Honestly, that face could not be more precious.  Gosh, we love you!

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