Sunday, February 24, 2013

Time Flies...

...when you're having fun!  Whoa, its been too long.  We've done alot since our last post in which you were barely 14 months and in a couple of days will be 17 months.  I had my 10 year high school reunion just after Thanksgiving... yet again time flies when you're having fun!  We had the holiday season which we enjoyed celebrating Christ's birth with family and friends.  Then came New Year's and a January full of fun activities like storytime and tot time at the gym.  February has been no exception to the fun and busyness.

Your personality is fun and you make us laugh with your "serious" looks.  Your vocabulary has started to take off.  You understand pretty much whatever we say to you and the words you can now say seem to be growing by the week.  I will attempt to list them for looking back's sake, but I'm bound to miss some.  Here goes an update since the last time I listed them:  cup, night night, blanket, bite, this, hot, zipper, truck, key, foot, cheese, Elmo, eye, Amen, snack, belly button, off, shirt, pants, shoe, sock, vitamin, up, down, Nanny (Granny), Haydyn, Pa (Grandpa), Graham, please, thank you, watch, sticker, wipe, wash, flower, duck, dog, cat, coat, hat, diaper, brush, banana, milk, and phone. The number of animal sounds/motions you know is increasing, too.  You can do a cat (your favorite), dog, cow, sheep, frog, bear, duck, horse, monkey, turtle, bird, fish, lion, and elephant.  You recognize a cat, dog, elephant, zebra, lion, duck, monkey, and squirrel right away.  When we are singing ABCs to you, you will often say A, B.  Same with counting, if we say 1 you will say 2.  It's the cutest 2 in the world!  You're a smart cookie if I do say so myself.

Music, singing, and dancing are some of your favorites.  That is why we love going to storytime at the library.  You crack me up with your dancing and moves.  Your favorite songs right now are Row, Row, Row your Boat, Hokey Pokey, Wheels on the Bus, Little Red Wagon, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Blast Off.

Sleeping is still going good overall.  You officially dropped the morning nap over Christmas, just a few days shy of 15 months.  You were just taking longer and longer to go to sleep, if at all, for your your morning nap.  If you would  fall asleep it was probably for a longer time therefore making it hard for you to get another nap in or you would be super tired at bedtime if you didn't take a second nap.  It has seemed to work well and you normally sleep atleast 2 hours at each nap, going down somewhere around 1.  Every now and then you will wake up earlier or later but you are happier if you get 2 good hours.  At night you sleep 7:30-8 until 7 or so.  For a couple of weeks now you have gotten up earlier but we are hoping that changes soon when the time changes and it get darker later in the morning.  While at Aunt Danielle's for Christmas you had a rough couple of nights that we would all like to forget and never do again but other than that you are a great night sleeper!  You simply like your crib and we are okay with that.

You're still a little peanut, as evidenced by the fact that a lady at the library just a couple of weeks ago asked me if you were a year old.  She thought you were moving exceptionally well then I told her you were 16 months, her reaction was funny.  Little did she know you've been at this for a while.  You are still smaller than most other kids your age.  At your 15 month appointment you were .3 percentile, weighing in at 17 lbs. 3 oz and measuring 28.75 in long (4th percentile).  Head circumference was 17.25 in (3rd percentile).  We went to a feeding specialist appointment just before Christmas.  We got tips on how to get you to eat better and for us to maximize the calories we can get in you.  One day you were flat out refusing whatever I gave you to eat for lunch and I was at a loss of what to do so I popped in a DVD that cousins Heather and George gave you for Christmas.  Our lives haven't been the same since.  You opened your mouth for every bite while staring at the singing "babies".  Except for a few times here and there, especially when you had a fever for 5 days (highest was 105.4!) it has helped us get food in you.  You still aren't excited about eating, but we see progress and we will take it.  Right now they have told us to concentrate on getting a set number of calories in you so we start each meal with purees and then give chewables afterward.  We go again in a few weeks and obviously hope to see an increase in your weight gain!

What we've been up to in pictures since I've been so wordy!

Girlfriends from back in the day.

THS Class of 2002


Catching up on the morning kitty news over breakfast.  And, despite the bib, it was your 2nd Christmas!

Helping Daddy with the leaves.

Our Christmas card picture.

Sweet face

Cold face!

"Why is this coat so big?"

"And why is this shirt so big?"

Helping me clean.

Go horsey, go!

Rocking your baby.  You hum the song I hum to you each night before putting you down.  It melts my heart.

Apparently baby wanted to ride too.

You love to put your hands under the water when it's bathtime.  You even roll up your sleeves!

Love, love, love you and your sweet grin!

1 comment:

John/Kristen said...

Oh my goodness- she looks like a SUCH a big kid in the 'cold face' picture!

Great update :)